Gender influences the pattern of child labor.
Girls tend to be asked by their families to perform more domestic work in their parental home than boys are, and often at younger ages than boys.
Employment as a paid domestic worker is the most common form of child labor for girls. In some places, such as East and Southeast Asia, parents often see work as a domestic servant as a good preparation for marriage.
Domestic service, however, is among the least regulated of all professions, and exposes workers to serious risks, such as violence, exploitation and abuse by the employers, because the workers are often isolated from the outside world.
Child labor has a very negative effect on education. Girls either stop their education, or, when they continue it, they are often subjected to a double burden, or a triple burden of work outside the home, housework in the parental home, and schoolwork.
This situation is common in places such as parts of Asia and Latin America.
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