2017년 1월 13일 금요일

Korean Sexy girl Cute hot 18 + - New Videos - burger tv

Look neat. Keep yourself well groomed and in shape. 
If you want to get a girl to like you, basic cleanliness and appearance are extremely important.

Girls notice things like bad breath, flab, body odor and greasy hair before they notice that winning personality. Give them a chance to see your good qualities by making a good first impression with your appearance.

Stay in shape. Work out regularly: run a mile or two, do some sit ups, get a six pack, etc. Note that while fitness is important, you shouldn't overdo it; having too many muscles can make it look like you care more about going to the gym than fostering meaningful relationships. 

Also, some girls dislike having the Incredible Hulk as a boyfriend, and it makes you look slightly stupid - thanks to the dumb jock cut-out. So make it clear you're fit, but not thick. In other words, stay fit without being obsessive or a pair of walking biceps.
Have good personal hygiene. 

Brush your teeth, shave etc. If you can't have access to a toothbrush, carry breath mints. When you take care of yourself, it makes you more appealing to others and it will thus have a positive impact on your level of confidence.

Always be sure to smell and look nice, so shower regularly and nothing is worse than the post-gym stink out, so use deodorant.

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Korea Sexy girl 18+ - burger tv

Have your own life. If you tend to fall into the "friend zone," this will be especially important. 

Real girls (girls with a strong sense of purpose and self-worth) don't like guys who have no lives or who cling to them like plastic wrap .

 Some girls do like that, but for all the wrong reasons—either they're insecure and needy for attention, or they're control freaks who have a need for dominating guys.

Unless you want to sign up for one of those scenarios, focus filling your time with your own friendships, interests, hobbies, and goals. This also gives her a chance to do something with you without it becoming a date.

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2017년 1월 12일 목요일

随便一动就撑爆衣服!韩国性感女主播私照曝光 BurgerTV

今日软妹君为大家介绍的韩国女主播名叫Yuki Han(音译:韩申颖),她不但长相甜美,更拥有超犯规的身材,据说事业线已经达到了竟然的J罩杯,随便动一动就能撑爆衣服啊喂!她之前仅靠仅几张流出的私房照就引发网友热议,成为韩国最热门的网络正妹之一。

但外界对她的真实身份一直所知甚少,直到她加盟韩国著名直播平台afreeca,原来她毕业于韩国弘益大学传媒设计系,是一位不折不扣的高材生。除了做女主播之外,Yuki Han也负责一些网络的拍摄活动,自己就是模特儿。
怎样养,这么好的妹子是不是很眼馋,不过令广大宅男心碎的是,Yuki Han早在2013年就已结婚,而她男友的画风嘛,和妹子不像是一个次元,但令人意外的是两人貌似很恩爱,经常秀出照片伤害我们这些单身狗...不多说了,最后两张图让你们感受下什么叫“一万点的伤害”。 




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2017년 1월 11일 수요일

韩国女神级主播晒新照引网友围观:新\"球王\"诞生 BurgerTV








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Take it slow. Sex doesn't have to be fast and furious. Keep your movements slow and steady and let stimulation build gradually.

Instead of being forceful, tease and titillate your partner by holding back and varying the angle, speed and deepness of penetration.

When both partners are ready you can speed up together for an explosive finish.
One variation of this is called the "7 and 9" technique: keep yourself (and potentially your partner) stimulated without going over the edge of climax by alternating between seven fast strokes and nine slow strokes.

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Everyone wants to be a better lover. For many, especially men, inability to offer one's partner a lasting sexual experience is a source of concern and even stress. 

However avoiding premature ejaculation in men and lack of sexual stamina in either partner can be easy with the right set of bedroom techniques and lifestyle changes. 

Here are some steps to help boost your bedroom game and ensure satisfaction for both you and your partner.

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** Youtube, Facebook, Instagram Page 좋아요 누르고, Korean Sexygirl들의 새로운 소식을 받으세요^^
 Korean SexyGirl 좋아하는 해외사용자들을 위한 서비스를 2017년에  출시 가장 빠르게 소식을 알려드립니다

BurgerTV Youtube 채널: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCNh2yLFdxadzMZcNC3ceUFA
BurgerTV Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/hamburgertv
BurgerTV Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/burgertv1

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2017년 1월 10일 화요일

营养又该跟不上了 盘点国内的韩国性感女主播 BurgerTV





外表神似童颜美女张娜拉,但却也拥有36D的丰满身材,堪称是韩国车模界的“童颜巨乳”代表,曾在2013年釜山举办的2013Gstar游戏展COS DOTA2火女。2015年7月加入斗鱼TV成为签约女主播。




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