2017년 1월 18일 수요일

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Think before you speak. Everyone slips up and says stupid things, but try your best to limit it when you're around this girl. Take a few seconds to evaluate what you're going to say before you spit it out.

Don't talk up other girls. You might think making her jealous is a good idea, but steer clear. Discussing the looks of other girls in front of her will make you seem shallow and fickle. As far as she knows, she's the only one you're interested in.

Avoid coming off as a bully. Don't throw out careless insults or put other people down, even if they're meant to be funny. She might not be able to pick up on your humorous tone and take your words at face value.

Don't tell dirty jokes. There's a time and place for wicked humor — and it's when you're hanging out with your guy friends. Keep on a lid on it when you're around her.

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