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aLearn how physical attraction works. 
Underlying all the emotion, thoughts, and hopes about love is our basic biochemistry. We are hard-wired to love! Attraction is based in brain chemistry. 

A group of neurotransmitters called monoamines (dopamine, norepinephrine, and serotonin) creates the feeling we experience as attraction.
Dopamine is one of your brain’s “feel-good” chemicals (it’s where the term “dope” comes from). It’s also involved in your brain’s motivation and reward systems. 

When you meet someone you’re attracted to, dopamine starts sending feel-good chemical “rewards” to your system.

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Key Points
Understand attraction. Maintain good hygiene and dress well. Learn how to read body language and signs of attraction. Signal your own attraction.
Be amazing. Live your life and show her your qualities. Be funny, playful, and confident.
Win her heart. Get to know her and her interests. Take her on dates and give her space when she needs it.

Keep your mind open. Don't judge her or expect her to change. Keep your eyes open to other possibilities.

Treat her as an equal. Respect her thoughts, feelings and emotions. Be honest, genuine, and willing to listen and communicate. Help her reach her dreams.

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Find things you have in common. She likes Metallica….you like Metallica…..bam! 
You now have something to talk about! 

Ask her about the music she listens to, the movies she watches, and the things she does in her spare time.

Find some common ground and you will have a great way to get to know each other and bond.

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Get to know her. Talk to her and listen to her. 
Ask her about her family and where she grew up, her religion and politics, and what she likes to do for fun. Don’t be critical or rude about her answers: they are hers, not yours!

Respect her ideas, her opinions, and her beliefs. Girls like it when you treat them like people. If you want girls to find you attractive, respecting them as people is a great place to start.

For example, ask her about her favorite hobby, and then ask her how she got in to that hobby. This is a great way to work into talking about where and how she grew up, her family, etc.

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2016년 12월 13일 화요일

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Be polite. Being well-mannered doesn't mean you're boring — it means you know how to treat other people with respect, a quality most girls want in their boyfriends

Show her you know how to be considerate by doing these things for everyone, not just her


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Dress to impress. Not only will you look and smell more attractive, taking care of your grooming shows her that you're mature and capable of important daily tasks.

Also pay attention to the style of clothes that she wears, and wear the same style of clothing, this will help her to relate with you and find you overall more attractive. And pay particular attention to these areas

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Don’t dwell too much on a girl’s appearance. Everyone likes receiving compliments, especially when they’ve obviously gone out of their way to dress up and look good, but that shouldn’t be the main topic of conversation. Give the girl you’d like to date a chance to be more than the cute dress and heels she’s wearing.

Especially avoid making sexual comments about a girl’s appearance when you’re trying to date her. Stick to tasteful comments about her clothes, hair, or smile.

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Present yourself well. Every girl has different 
preferences, or “types,” but don’t worry too much about trying to wear all the latest trends. 

Dress appropriately for the situation - no sleeveless shirts at a martini bar, for example - and don’t overdo it with the cologne.

 If you show up to a party dressed at your personal best and feeling confident, you’ll act that way - and there’s a good chance the girl you’re trying to impress will forget she even has a type.

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Help someone. It could be her, or it could be someone else in the room. 
Is she carrying something heavy? Say "let me help you with that" and carry it for her.

 Is someone short on cash? Lend them a few dollars so they can eat lunch. 
Hold the door open for the next person coming through, even if they haven't reached it yet. In other words, be a kind and generous person.

 Not only will it get her attention, but it will also make you feel good about yourself. Don't be fake and do nice things only when she's around, though. 

Chances are, she'll notice that there's a difference between how you treat her, and how you treat others. 

Help people all the time, in a wide variety of ways. She'll notice, and so will the people she knows, and on the occasion that you come up in a conversation, people will say "They're such a great person!" and this girl will start thinking "Yeah...they are, aren't they?"

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Be comfortable alone. You don't have to try to act cool or be a try hard; just be loose. Don't set out looking for a girlfriend, or you'll just end up looking desperate. Self confidence and self sufficiency are extremely sexy qualities in a person, and you will not seem like you have either of these if you're begging every girl you meet to go out with you.

Look to make good friends rather than a girlfriend. This means you should talk to as many women as possible, not just girls you're immediately attracted to. Making good friends with women will help you practice holding conversations with them, as well as learning how women feel and think in general. More importantly, you'll be helping yourself feel less lonely without desperately seeking a girlfriend.

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