2017년 1월 6일 금요일

胸这么大 身材这么棒 你见过这样的韩国女主播吗 BurgerTV

李秀彬有多火?谷歌搜Lee Soo Bin能得到170多万条结果。最近被说得最多的依旧是她的巨乳蛮腰——被网友们戏称为现实中的“娜美”。





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韩国女主播李秀彬 尤物一般的存在 BurgerTV

这年头性感路子不好干,成本还没收回医院里又新出一批。今天的女主角不知使了什么魔法,网络上再次都是她的身体。是的,韩国网络女主播李秀彬(Lee Soo Bin)因为营养过剩的不科学“曲线”再次让数家纸巾厂脱销…






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2017년 1월 5일 목요일


Make her laugh. Girls love guys with a great sense of humor. Don't be offensive or mean with your humor, because you'll make her worry that you also say bad things about her when she's not around. Instead, be smart with your humor. Look at comedians like Louis CK and Aziz Ansari for some examples.

This doesn't mean you should never take anything seriously though, or else you'll come off as a clown.

Try to know her a little bit more before you attempt to be jocular (certain jokes for you might not be funny to her). Knowing her culture, her background, and most importantly things she likes will also be helpful.

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Break the ice. This can seem scary to do, but once you have done this, holding a conversation and laughing will be easy, and you will be able to build a friendship. 

There are lots of different ways that you can break the ice, but just remember to make a good first impression. You don't want her to remember you for being a jerk or making a really offensive joke!

A good laugh is always a smart way to break the ice. For example, you would show this webpage to her, and have a laugh over what is written and the whole idea of having such a page as well.

Learn to be spontaneous. Taking an improv acting class can help with ideas for breaking the ice, and can help you be confident with talking to new people

 Ideas flow, and it becomes easier to enter into and disengage from conversation, and can help you be more comfortable with any situation.

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BurgerTV Youtube 채널: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCNh2yLFdxadzMZcNC3ceUFA
BurgerTV Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/hamburgertv
BurgerTV Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/burgertv1

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2017년 1월 4일 수요일

韩国直播网BurgerTV上 最大胆的女主播









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男人福利 那些又嗲又性感的女主播 BurgerTV

NO.1 贝拉
相信大部分喜欢美女的观众,都对贝拉不陌生,身材好到没话说,尤其是上围,相当爆炸,加上因为来自台湾,所以说话声音非常嗲,受到很多观众喜爱。   NO.2 刘飞儿

嗲妹子里典型的代表,可能是因为年龄还小的原因,93年,所以说话嗲里嗲气的,但是身材同样的好。嗲嗲的声音,配上好身材,看的宅男们大呼过瘾。    NO.3 阿英

来自韩国的美女主播,虽然大部分时候小编不知道阿英在说些什么,但是说话声音绝对足够好听,加上性感热舞跳的好,和长相身材也比较完美,深受国内观众喜爱。   NO.4 朴佳琳

也是来自韩国的女主播,总体给人的感觉就是可爱,一张婴儿肥的脸,但其实身材火辣的不要不要的,当然,同样经常直播时候不知道说什么,但是并不影响小编和老司机们对朴佳琳的喜爱——身材太好!    NO.5 王羽杉

出道已经不短时间,但是做直播时间并不算长的妹子,虽然时间不长,但是因为身材足够好,相貌足够出众,已经积累了很多粉丝,而且这个妹子有时候还是蛮开放的。    NO.6 牛奶宝宝

和贝拉一样,已经是为数不多的直播游戏而出名的,当然,更出名的是牛奶宝宝性感的身材和姣好的面容,还有那让人一听就浑身酥麻的声音。   去哪看美女




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 Understand her sense of humor and pop culture interests. You've already had your chance to be funny and share your humor.

Take the time to form an understanding of her interests and sense of humor.
Talk to her about what she likes watching, what music she likes, and what she thinks is funny.

Watch TV together, and pay attention to the shows she likes.
Invite her to a comedy club or a movie and ask her to pick the performer or show.

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BurgerTV Youtube 채널: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCNh2yLFdxadzMZcNC3ceUFA
BurgerTV Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/hamburgertv
BurgerTV Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/burgertv1

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Pay attention to her moods and feelings. One of the most important things about growing close to a girl is understanding when and why she feels certain ways sometimes.

Pay attention to her. Know what makes her happy, what makes her sad, and why she feels the way she does about things she cares about.

Is she grumpy in the morning? She may not be a morning person.
What makes her most happy? Is it spending time with family or friends?
Does her job or school make her happy or miserable.

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BurgerTV Youtube 채널: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCNh2yLFdxadzMZcNC3ceUFA
BurgerTV Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/hamburgertv
BurgerTV Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/burgertv1

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2017년 1월 3일 화요일

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Find things you have in common. She likes Metallica….you like Metallica…..bam! You now have something to talk about! 

Ask her about the music she listens to, the movies she watches, and the things she does in her spare time.

Find some common ground and you will have a great way to get to know each other and bond.

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BurgerTV Youtube 채널: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCNh2yLFdxadzMZcNC3ceUFA
BurgerTV Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/hamburgertv
BurgerTV Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/burgertv1

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Get to know her. Talk to her and listen to her. Ask her about her family and where she grew up, her religion and politics, and what she likes to do for fun.

Don’t be critical or rude about her answers: they are hers, not yours! Respect her ideas, her opinions, and her beliefs. Girls like it when you treat them like people. 

If you want girls to find you attractive, respecting them as people is a great place to start.

For example, ask her about her favorite hobby, and then ask her how she got in to that hobby. This is a great way to work into talking about where and how she grew up, her family, etc.

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BurgerTV Youtube 채널: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCNh2yLFdxadzMZcNC3ceUFA
BurgerTV Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/hamburgertv
BurgerTV Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/burgertv1
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