2017년 1월 20일 금요일

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Speak to her. It's unlikely a girl will be at all interested in you if she doesn't know you exist. Make an effort to talk to her, even if approaching her seems scary at first. 

Highlight your compatibility as friends and more by talking about hobbies and interests that you have in common. Become her friend; she can't get close to you unless you're friends.

Find a hobby you both like. It doesn't matter if it is anything from sports to school. If you both like hockey, invite her to a game. If you both like video games, play one together, or she could cheer you on if she doesn't usually play. Girls are all different in likes and dislikes.

If your conversation skills need a polish, read a few of these:
How to have a great conversation

How to come up with good conversation topics
How to start a conversation when you don't have anything to talk about.

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BurgerTV Youtube 채널: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCNh2yLFdxadzMZcNC3ceUFA
BurgerTV Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/hamburgertv
BurgerTV Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/burgertv1

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